A recently found full game which was uncovered on the scene, and was developed in the early 90’s for a game’s company, but for strange reasons, it never quite made it out before now. It got given to Go64 magazine in about 2003.
Blax is kind of a mix of Puzznic and various puzzle games, where you have to match up the symbol shapes, but paths for these objects are hindered by holes, which must be blocked over with rocks.
Graphically, although the game is all in hi-res, it is nicely polished and functions well for the game. The game itself is extremely addictive, and is a little bit different from the conventional puzzler which we have all become used to of late. Sonically the game is very strong provided for too, and a series of great ditties play throughout.
And the best thing of all?… It is the whole kaboodle. No preview, but a full game which you can all enjoy as originally indended by the creators
What now needs to be found out, is whom this title was planned for, some more credit details and just WHY this good puzzle game never made its way onto the C64 market…
A found game, but with mystery still surrounding it for now…
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Game_Blax.zip (zip)
Creator speaks
Michael Teubner speaks to GTW about Blax...
"One year ago I decided to finally send an old Game I programmed in the early 90s to the Game-Magazine Go64. I am talking about Blax.
Just now I was curious whether I could find anything about the game in the Internet and so I got to your site. Thanks very much for your positive words about the game.
Unfortunately, on your page it doesn't show who designed the Grafic and made the sound. You might want to add this missing information, so here's again who did what for this game:
My name is Michael Teubner, I had the idea for the game, did the game-coding and level-design.
My friend Stello Doussis did the remaining coding, e.g. intro and high-score table. But more important: He developed the nice grafic as well as the sounds and music.
Thanks again for mentioning Blax on your site."
Michael Teubner .