Chinese Juggler V1

Ivan Balazs

Status: Full Game, Findability: 3/5


Another early build entry into the GTW64 archives, and this time with an early and classic Ocean title – Chinese Juggler.

This earlier build was highlighted by contributor Csaba Virag, who spotted that this version had a different start up screen with the name of the authors, and also a demo mode included too – all of which are removed from the Ocean release of the game.

Unfortunately the demo mode isn’t fully functional, but it seems it was fixed up for the final release and was made into a feature that automatically starts – rather than requires F1 to be pressed for it to start. Other than that, there seems to be just a few minor cosmetic differences.

It’s an interesting curiosity to check out, but don’t expect anything vastly different in this particular case. Oh, and you have to enter SYS 19647 to start the game after loading.

Then in June 2024, contributor Marco Das kindly dug out another version of the game which had a demo mode and Ivanhoe Software logo on the title screen.  Did that ever exist in a physical form?

Contributions: Csaba Virag, Marco Das

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Update history

13/07/24 – Added a Ivanhoe Software version thanks to Marco Das.

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Chinese Juggler V1

  1. I found another build, bit later i think when it was completed before it went to ocean.
    It has a ivanhoe software logo on the title screen and still has the demo mode.

    Will send it too you.

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