Commodore Juicer

Karl Hörnell

Status: No Download, Findability: 3/5

A very short entry for now regarding a game which was produced by Karl Hörnell during his Players Software development days.

The game was called Commodore Juicer, and would be a Super Pipeline clone, but instead of oil – there would be fruits travelling along a conveyor belt towards a juice machine.

The game was actually going to be submitted to Commodore User for distribution with the magazine, but it never quite made it for reasons as yet unknown. It is not yet known if the game was completed or not.

When asked about potentially adding his unreleased games to the website, Karl declined – citing that these were titles that he was not happy with and are something which should never see the light of day.

Hopefully some day we may get to put up a screen shot or two for the site and hope that Karl gets his early work preserved before the tapes deteriorate.

Contributions: Paul Drury, Karl Hornell

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