Jet Action


Status: Preview, Findability: 3/5

A very old school type of game here, with a main jet which has to be guided through a series of caverns.
This is similiar in a way to Killer Watt, though lacking a lot of what that game had in terms of playability. Even the graphics leave a bit to be desired.

There is no known plot to the game – but we find out why thanks to Philipp Dopichaj who tells GTW:

“This original version was a demo for a game programming course in 64’er Sonderheft 73, JET ACTION has slightly updated graphics (sprites only) and tiny variations in level design. I doubt this was ever a commercial release, it’s just a lame “crack” of a game that was provided as source code with a level editor … The original demo is labeled “64’er game”.

Find attached the original version of the game that’s JET ACTION in your database, as released on 64’er Sonderheft 73. After decrunching has finished and the program has crashed, do a reset and SYS 3*4096.”

So this was not a proper game meant for release, and was just cracked… it was merely a programming tutorial. So we can close the case on this one :-)

Case closed!…

Contributions: Philipp Dopichaj

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