Knight Force


Status: No Download, Findability: 0/5

Yet another game due out on the Commodore 64 but never arrived. Knight Force’s plot was to be as follows:

"The knight has to fight all the bad guys to get to Red Sabbath in a side scrolling action game. "

The game was released on the 16-bits, but wasn’t anything new and it had quite average reviews.

Titus seemed to be reluctant to release C64 titles at a frequent pace, and many titles seem to have been lost at sea. Knight Force is one such title which has disapeared off the face of the earth. Was a C64 conversion started? If so, why was it cancelled?

Thanks to Marco Das, we got in touch with the 16-bit creator Alain Fernandes who said the following:

"Knight Force is never edited on Commodore 64, (90% certain). 1989/1990 is end of the Commodore 64 market.. and Titus , is never big sealer in Germany ( The bigest market with the US )… Titus make the major profit with the French market…

After 1995 , Titus change, and is start a new age, with internationnal market, but is only on PC and "Console" market."

However the Spectrum and CPC versions did get a release… … and depict a standard beat-em-up affair with pretty graphics and little or no playability. The game flopped it seems.

So it seems that no C64 version ever got to any stage according to reports, and mainly because Titus felt the C64 was dead compared to the Spectrum and Amstrad markets in France. Looks like we can close this one then!…

Case closed!…

Contributions: Anders, Marco Das, Alain Fernandes, Leszek Chmielewski

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