Dinamic had struck gold with Imagine when they began having their games published on their label. Classics such as Army Moves, and the not so classic Game Over (although the music rocked!).. and also this strange little effort which got very briefly mentioned in magazines…
Phantis… a strange titled game which features a woman as the main character (probably named Phantis or something).
The game was briefly mentioned in a few magazines, and one even had a rare advert which had the game’s coverart and a few rare screenshots.
These have been scanned and added thanks to Brendan Phoenix. Sadly the images were so small that the quality is not great, but you can just make out what some of the levels looked like. These are from the Amstrad version it has been confirmed.
The funny resembelance you will see, especially on the level where the character is riding a creature, is that it looks very much like Game Over 2.
So what happened?… Well, the game DID get released as Phantis over in Spain and most of Europe, but for the UK, it was decided to cash in on the so called success of Game Over, and rename it as the Sequel to Game Over. It is exactly the same game.
Although it has been released, the reason for its entry in GTW, is because it WAS planned for release as Phantis in the UK, due to a brochure confirming so before its rename. It wouldn’t have been any better, apart from a nicer loading picture maybe ;)
If you wish to play the Phantis version of the game, then go along to www.gamebase64.com to find a download of it.
A big cash in from Imagine and Dinamic… Case closed.
Contributions: Brendan Phoenix, Andrew Fisher, Juan, Mauricio Muñoz Lucero and Domingo A. Campos