Piracy was a game being written by a guy called Sean Huxter on the C128 in Commodore BASIC 7, but originally existed as a C64 game which can be found in gamebase.
The game was to be a text adventure, and according to Sean – was actually written. It is yet to have been put out there into the world in any shape or form. The game had an interluding screen which showed a map of the ship you were moving around in the game.
Sean had this to say about that version on his webpage about the C64 game:
“Sometime in 1986 I bought a Commodore 128, which doubled the memory and improved memory usage so I actually had a LOT more available memory to use. I set about re-writing PIRACY with a larger ship, more commands, and the roaming pirates.”
It is not quite known yet if the games were meant for commercial release, or just done for personal fun. We hope to hear more from Sean soon, and hopefully see if the C128 edition can be saved.
For now, check out the map screenshot from the game until we learn more about this entry.
More soon!
Contributions: Fabrizio Bartoloni, Anonymous contributor