Planets Of Death


Status: Preview, Findability: 5/5

A nice looking sideways shooter, in it’s early stages but showing some promise. A few attack waves, and a repetitive map is all that this preview really consists of, indicating what was going to be, and giving rise to some expectation that we could be seeing a nice little blaster.

Originally the game was leaked to the world in 1995 by Genesis Project, and in 2017 – a new tidied up version, with SFX demo was released. We have added this version here for you to check out. Sound was tidied up and stopped from running in the background (a carry over from the intro). The title tune for the game has also been added to the intro.

The exact plan for the game is unknown at present, and nothing was really mentioned about this game in any magazines. Hopefully the developers will get in touch some day and shed a bit more light about the game.

A lot more information needed on this game, and soon if anything is to be found out on it. This is probably as far as it ever got!

More soon hopefully from the developers.

Contributions: Hedning

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Update history

28/01/17 – Added new tidied up preview and SFX demo thanks to Hedning

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