Unknown Donkey Kong Clone

Mike Berry

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

This is a unnamed Donkey Kong clone which was being developed by Mike Berry in the 90’s. It was mentioned in an interview in Commodore Scene back around 1997 time.

Mike had the following to say about the game when questioned:

"I barely recall the Donkey Kong effort. IIRC it was only a single level, and I do remember being very impressed with myself over it! I’m afraid that’s one that is probably long since lost.

I might even have just formatted and rewritten over that particular demo disk. I don’t recall seeing it much after I finished tinkering with it. It was far from complete, and more of a test of how to make a character move and jump on platforms. I remember thinking it would be a doddle to create a pixel accurate jumping/climbing character, but weeks later, and minus about 70% of my hair, I changed my mind!

I managed it eventually, but boy was it a struggle. I mean, it sounds so simple in theory, but in practice it’s a nightmare (for me anyway!).

I’ll have a check on my old programming disks to see if there’s anything there, but I’m pretty sure that its been lost forever."

So it could be a case closed before we know it. Mike has backed up all his remaining disks, so now it just remains to be seen if anything does turn up some day.

Long way to go with this entry…

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