Unnamed Pac-Man clone

Andrew Trott

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A short entry which was highlighted thanks to FREEZE64 and a recent interview with Andrew Trott.

In an interview within issue 59, Andrew Trott reveals that he created a version of Pac-Man for the Commodore PET, and then later converted it to the C64, refreshing the graphics and more.

He was in the process of doing all of this, but never quite got it finished.

It’s unsure if anything has survived after all this time, but we hope to find out soon.

Contributions: Andrew Trott, Vinny Mainolfi

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Unnamed Pac-Man clone

  1. I remember Trott for his awesome game STIX. And apparently he also did the Turbo Assembler that Supersoft released on cartridge. Maybe also Zoom, Supersofts machine code monitor. I got some of Supersoft’s early PET games.

    • That’s right. Andrew was recently interviewed by Vinny Mainolfi for FREEZE64 magazine where he talked about those days. Very interesting interview, which was where this Pac-Man entry came from.

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