

Status: Full Game, Findability: 4/5

Thanks to the section from Gamebase, a game which they are also searching for, i’m able to produce a strong review for this game. Most sections are borrowed from the Gamebase review, so therefore credits are given at the foot.

This is a French RPG, similar in style to Mandragore and Omega, it was released in 1987 and was reviewed in Zzap 64 issue 30. It involved the usual treasure hunt and monster-slaying, but it seems to have disapearred from existence. Was it even released?

The Zzap crew reviewed the english version of the game, but the original was in french. The reviewer mentioned taht the translation was not perfect and that there were discrepancies between some english words used in the manual, and their corresponding words in the game. (The manual says ‘Heal’, the program expects ‘Treat’). The game was disk only and while it loaded, it displayed a “pleaseantly programmed rendition of Pictures at an Exhibition”.

Gamebase 64 actually found some screenshots from German magazine RUN, reviewed in 1986. However, Mr Fox has purchased a copy and was busy translating to produce a release, though it went very quiet.

Recently however there were some stirrings on CSDB, with the English version being partially found:

And recently the first disk has surfaced and we have now added this to the download archive. And now in 2009 the French version was fully cracked, and this has been added to the download archive! … The English translation is still at large, but we believe that this may be coming soon!

We have also added a series of screenshots of the game running which were all done by Ian Coog, so a big thank you to Ian! :-)

And finally some extras have been sorted out by MdZ, Nori, CBA, LuxKiller65 & GRG which have been collected over a 3-4 year period which you can now download. A big thanks to those guys and Jazzcat for the heads up.

Overall the game was released we now learn, but in limited form. It will always have an entry in GTW though for historical purposes as it was always believed to have never been released. At last it finally has and we can lay this one to rest!…

Case closed at last! :)…

Contributions: Jazzcat, Gamebase 64, Mr Fox, CBA, Ian Coog, 8R8, Nori, MdZ, LuxKiller65

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