"Get Dexter" or "Crafton & Xunk" was an isometric 3D game popular on the Amstrad, published by Infogrames. According to the White Wizard’s review of Mandragore (a role-playing game by Infogrames) on page 70 of issue 16 of Zzap 64, … Continue reading →
A very short entry to highlight that there is suggested to be a Spanish version of Mandragore, along with the English, German and French editions that exist. At the moment it is missing – so can you help find and … Continue reading →

Thanks to the section from Gamebase, a game which they are also searching for, i’m able to produce a strong review for this game. Most sections are borrowed from the Gamebase review, so therefore credits are given at the foot. … Continue reading →
One major category of GTWs is "Games That Were, but not on the C64". In this case, ST and Amiga versions were released, but despite being announced (referenced in the January 1990 issue of Computer Action magazine) as forthcoming for … Continue reading →
A very small entry for a title which we are not entirely sure as of yet if a C64 version was ever on the cards. The Light Corridor was a first person puzzle game released by Infogrames on the Spectrum, … Continue reading →