You all remember Reflective Designs and the various games produced and coded by Duncan Kershaw for Players, Zeppelin and Codemasters? Well, we all have to start out somewhere – and Duncan first got into coding on the C64 by programming … Continue reading →
Next up in GTW64 is a title called Codename Desert Storm which was brought to light by its coder Duncan Kershaw. The game was intended for release by Players in 1991 time, and was a sort of Choplifter game where … Continue reading →
Our next title is another title developed by Duncan Kershaw back around 1990 with his Reflective Designs company. As with Harrier Strike, the game seems to be based on the same engine as Steel Eagle. Duncan says that the game … Continue reading →
We are slightly cheating with this entry, but this is for a collection of games written by Duncan Kershaw way before his Players Software days. They are all written in BASIC, and are some of the earliest examples of Duncan’s … Continue reading →
Our next title in the archives sounds like it should be some kind of jet fighter game, but in fact Harrier Strike was a space shooter which was being written by Duncan Kershaw shortly after Steel Eagle. Originally it was … Continue reading →
More from the creative mind of Duncan Kershaw – this time an impressive clone of Super Locomotive. It was more based on Tony Crother’s Loco game than the arcade original though to Duncan’s own admission. This was being done roughly … Continue reading →
You all remember Reflective Designs and the various games produced and coded by Duncan Kershaw for Players, Zeppelin and Codemasters? Well, we all have to start out somewhere – and Duncan first got into coding on the C64 by programming … Continue reading →
Starburst may have actually seen a release, but in very limited numbers. The game was offered for sale as part of a GEMS compilation pack by Digital Dynamite. An advert was listed in Issue 61 of Zzap, with a review … Continue reading →
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