Family fish was an underwater shoot-em up being developed by Richard Taylor in the 80’s. It was intended for a publisher in Bracknell – which we will need to confirm. The game was purchased in principle. It is initially believed … Continue reading →
It has been established that the Freaky Fish game floating around on the web … … is infact a preview of a game which was going to have a later version created and released. Would it have been commercial, … Continue reading →
Ah… I remember going up to London one day and my dad buying me a copy of Your Commodore on the train journey up to keep me quiet. It happened to be the last ever issue as it happened, and … Continue reading →
Nutland was a game being written in the early 80’s by Richard Taylor, featuring a squirrel main character. At present we do not know any more information about the game, and will be updating this entry as we get more … Continue reading →
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