Abandon Ship S.O.S.

Acorn of Indiana Inc.

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A short entry for a title that has been highlighted by Peter Weighill as one which is currently missing.

It seems to be an arcade game where you have to stop a ship from sinking. The advert described the game as follows:

“Sailor Joe has volunteered to stay behind and keep the ship afloat until his crew members are rescued. Can he make it or will he have to abandon ship? Patch the holes and seal off hopeless rooms while fighting invading sea creatures.”

Another advert details that it is a hi-res arcade style game that requires strategy and joystick skills. There are a total of 52 rooms in total within the HMS Black, including The Bridge, Engine Room, Armory and supply room.

Sadly nothing more is known about the game and if it was ever actually sold at all. Can you help us find and preserve it?

Contributions: Peter Weighill

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