Another 3D vector game in the style of Stella 7 and Mercenary, Arena was a rather ambitious project by the quiet company Lothlorien. Stated for release across most formats back in 1986, the game never made it at least onto … Continue reading →
Also known as: Choc-a-Bloc Charlie Plus
A very small entry for now unfortunately, and a well overdue entry too! Back in 2000, GTW64 was in regular conversation with the late Martin Holland – who mentioned working on a game at MC Lothlorien called Choc-a-Bloc Charlie … … Continue reading →
Psycho Glider FMB , and interestingly titled game which involved gliders!… Created by Pete Andrew for Lothlorien back in the late ’80s, the game was shaping up just fine until something bad happened. The game was part of a series … Continue reading →
An early game featuring the early graphics of Martin Holland. This was mentioned breifly to me by Martin in an Interview, and it has been named a few times by other collegues of Martin’s… but this is it. From what … Continue reading →
Also known as: Dragon Vale
Around 1988-1989, John Buckley and Martin Holland were working on what can be described as a first-person adventure game with a detailed character selection front end, and a pseudo-3D map section. The main game itself was apparently very much in … Continue reading →