A very short entry unfortunately for a title which we should have added a long time ago. Aircat was a game to be developed by Canvas Software for an unknown publisher at the time. We believe it was some kind … Continue reading →
This was a Double Dragon style game, where you had to go on a frenzy with a chainsaw and cut up as many people as possible. Chainsaw Warrior was based on the solo roleplay board game of the same name … Continue reading →
A very small entry for now unfortunately, and a well overdue entry too! Back in 2000, GTW64 was in regular conversation with the late Martin Holland – who mentioned working on a game at MC Lothlorien called Choc-a-Bloc Charlie … … Continue reading →
Deadzone was a conversion of a Spectrum title by Ste Cork back in 1988, and was a vertical scrolling SEU with software sprites for the bullets. The game was actually completed and featured Martin Holland’s possibly first graphic work. The … Continue reading →
The final part in the Gauntlet trilogy (on the Commodore 64 at least) was to be an isometric affair, owing more to Pacmania and 3D Ant Attack then the previous overhead offerings that were converted by Gremlin Graphics for U.S. … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a title we know very little about. The first we heard about Industria 14 was via Martin Holland, who said that he did the game for we believe Software Creations back around 1990. It is … Continue reading →
‘Make My Day’ and was another of those Trojan Light Gun games which were being created in the early 90’s as the light phaser games began to get popular. Virgin Mastertronic had already done a series of light gun games, … Continue reading →
An early game featuring the early graphics of Martin Holland. This was mentioned breifly to me by Martin in an Interview, and it has been named a few times by other collegues of Martin’s… but this is it. From what … Continue reading →
Not a lot is really sadly known about this game, even if it bore any resembalance to Thing On A Spring!… This is a title which was first mentioned to GTW by Martin Holland before he passed away. The game … Continue reading →
Around 1988-1989, John Buckley and Martin Holland were working on what can be described as a first-person adventure game with a detailed character selection front end, and a pseudo-3D map section. The main game itself was apparently very much in … Continue reading →
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