As with Solider of Light, it seems even Alien Syndrome once had an earlier edition in production by a completely different team. However, with this entry – it was being developed for publication by a completely different company. Similar to … Continue reading →
The Alternate Reality series was a huge set of RPG based titles by Datasoft in around 1986, with two titles released. The City and The Dungeon were both released, but the rest of the series never made an appearance. In … Continue reading →
Along with Sword of Samurai, Appointment with Fear was to be yet another Fighting Fantasy game on the C64 from US Gold according to This game in particular was to be based around super heroes and we presume would … Continue reading →
A fairly obscure title this time from U.S. Gold. Arcade Wizzard is a pinball game which was briefly mentioned in one or two magazines before disappearing off the face of the earth. Zzap! 64 was on magazine to feature the … Continue reading →
A short entry for a game that has seen a release, but only it seems in the US and Spain. Australian/Aussie Games was a sports multi-event that was created by Beam Software and a sort of piss-take of California Games. … Continue reading →
Possibly a little too late in the C64’s life, but we have had reports from our very own Andrew Fisher that Barcelona ’92 was infact in production on the C64 as well as the Amiga for US Gold. Who were … Continue reading →
In a recent 2020 feature on Black Tiger in Retro Gamer magazine, C64 developer Mark Hughes (who worked on the released Black Tiger conversion) revealed that they were offered the chance to do the conversion after US Gold received a … Continue reading →
As with Mag Max, it seems that there was another conversion in the works for Breakthru, which saw a terrible release on the C64 in the end by US Gold. Canvas were working on a Breakthru conversion for US Gold, … Continue reading →
California Games 2 was the long awaited sequel which was supposidly available for mail order release in 1991 or 1992 by Tenex Computer Express. It is not certain if any copies leaked out to anyone in the public or not. … Continue reading →
A game based on the world famous actor… adverts were placed in magazines and it was mentioned around the gaming scene on many occasions in the late 80’s. Martin Holland was working on the graphics for the Amstrad CPC version … Continue reading →
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