The Attack of the Blue Bomber is a great little game – a clone of Fort Apocalypse and Airwolf by Elite. You must navigate your blue helicopter through a series of tight caverns, avoiding lasers and fired missiles.
You must also shoot your way through parts of the background to progress and shoot little question mark icons to get bonus points. The start screen suggests there could be a number of levels, though I didn’t have chance to play fully all the way through.
It seems odd that this preview didn’t seem to be completed, or was the game ever actually complete?
Well, thanks to an anonymous contributor (thanks!), we learn that the creator was Canadian and has a page that talks a little about the game here: http://wandel.ca/homepage/computers.html Markus Wandel had the following to say:
“I wanted to be a programmer just as good as the pros, and because most of the professional product we saw was video games, and because one of the better ones was “Fort Apocalypse” I just had to write my own smooth scrolling helicopter-in-a-dungeon game.
Looking back at it now it is unimaginative but it plays OK, click on the image to download a disk image to try it on an emulator. The only thing missing is the second half of the third level, the dungeon simply ends and you fly out into black nothingness. If anyone cares, the source code and the cobbled-together tools used to make this game are all on the disk image too.”
We have grabbed a copy of the game from Markus’ site and added to the archives here, which includes the source code if anyone wants to play around with the game. Markus also had some disk images with his utilities and other works, which we’ve also added here. It is clear that it was never properly released or finished, so this is very much a case closed!