
Patriot Games

Status: Preview, Findability: 3/5

Trying to improve on their abysmal "Micro Machine" game, Patriot Games tried their luck with "Wabbit".

Sadly, this just makes things worse. With a simple hi-res bunny which jumps across the screen (Though animating nicely), while you take aim and try to shoot it.

The target is hard to control, and all you do is shoot the rabbit as many times as possible to let your points go up. Nothing original at all, and not very playable.

Graphically overall very poor, and lacking a lot to make it a popular game. Music is good though, but thats about it.

Maybe Patriot did a later version with much more, but until we find and ask them, we may only be left with this poor game.

Not the best game ever… beaten just by Groovy Garden…

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