Commando V1


Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A very short entry thanks to an anonymous contributor, who has flagged up that the Elite release of Commando should have included Level 3, which was cut from the final game.

The final game only contained levels 1,2 and 4 overall. When Gary Penn asked Chris Butler what happened – Chris confirmed that everything was all there (levels 1-4) and complete, when Rob Hubbard said that he needed 6K for the music and there wasn’t room.

Steve Wilcox then requested for Level 3 to be hacked out to make room for the music. Quite a decision overall!

Of course, we have been since treated to a proper remastered version of the game with all the levels in 2015, though this would be a great curiosity to see how Chris Butler’s version of level 3 looked and played.

Could it be found in some shape or form before Rob’s music was added? It is seemingly unlikely now, but if Chris is ever willing to chat some day about his past works – it may lead to finding an earlier build. Who knows?

Contributions: Anonymous

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