Death Star Interceptor 2

System 3

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

In issue 24 of Commodore User, it was mentioned briefly that Tony Crowther was working on Death Star Interceptor II for Domark. A bit of a false alarm that, as Tony Crowther confirms in 2009 that it wasn’t him – plus wasn’t it System 3 behind the original game?

Indeed it was, and it seems Commodore User got a little mixed up. But we learn of a sequel to one of System 3’s first ever games, but this was the only real mention the game ever got before disappearing for good. Was it ever started?

At present the developers for the first game are unknown, but its believed that John Twiddy may have had some involvement. We are now checking out this possibility and hope to get some further leads on the game and the potential sequel. It’s still very early days though!

More soon we hope!

Contributions: Tony Crowther

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