Escape While You Can


Status: Preview, Findability: 3/5

Not much to say about this game apart from its little resembelence to "Bear George", with its falling apples.

As you can tell, there is little information on this game which never got completed. All that remains currently is a small preview of level one, with some good cartoony graphics and cute little main character.

The game currently is nothing to write home about, which could be put down to its early stages. Just how much better a later version would be, is only known by the creator of this preview.

We recently had an email from the game’s developer who offers the information that there is a second level out there
which we may see sometime soon. In addition to this a whole load of sketches and plans for the game.

The developer may still wish to come back to this game one day and finish it off, so for now it sits in GTW, but in the future
could be taken out as a full version is released.

It’s early days, but we hope to hear more from the author about this title…

Another obscure title in the archives to maybe be finished…

Contributions: Ze Smasher

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