Jam It!


Status: Full Game, Findability: 5/5

Jam It! is a neat little music game by Gregg Kustudic, who produced the Space Ace preview also in GTW.

This was sent in along with Space Ace, and may predate other games of its type where you have to time moves to the music. To review and describe the game, I borrow a lot from Gregg’s excellent instructions which he included.

The keyboard is used to play a drumset which includes a bass, snare, high hat, two toms, ride and crash. Keys used are displayed on the screen.

The drum set remains active after a mistake ends the current level, and may be played independently of the game for practice. As well, use of the high hat cannot generate a mistake, and therefore it is fun to play with the high hat during the game to make more complex percussion rhythms.

When the game is started, a pattern of beats and rests will appear underneath the drum kit. The player is then supposed to play each pattern back. Gregg can do this quite easily, but the game was never play tested, and he suspects that other players might find it frustratingly difficult.

When a number of patterns have been successfully completed, the level ends, and the game will always begin at the highest level completed.

Overall, its a great little finding for GTW and another piece of software preserved. Give it a try!

A nice early example of its genre… case closed!…

Contributions: Gregg Kustudic, Ian Coog

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