A game created by the author of Ultimate’s “Imhotep” in a very short career on the C64. The developer also worked on another title which was to be a conversion of a classic Atari game, Batty Builders which he earlier … Continue reading →
Also known as: A day in the life (part 2) and Across the Universe
Beatle Quest is one of those titles which attracts a lot of attention due to its Beatles links, but also the price that the game regularly seems to attract on Ebay. Thanks to Asphodel, we learn from the adverts for … Continue reading →
Benidorm is a little known game which was due for release on both the Spectrum and C64 back in 1984 from a software company called Little Softie. The game was advertised in the likes of Personal Computer Gamer, and we … Continue reading →

Bronnoyquest was a jokey adventure game which was written by Ruben Spaans (aka Scroll/Megastyle). Ruben explains more about the game and how it came about: "It started out as a very silly adventure game made by me and a friend … Continue reading →
To milk the success of the then popular super hero, who saved the planet from pollution with his friends (All of which had special powers based on the 5 main elements of the planet), Mindscape cashed in by gaining the … Continue reading →
Covert Action was a new Sid Meier game from back in the early days and following the success of Microprose’s earlier Pirates game. The game was announced as a title coming soon for the Commodore 64 back in 1988 in … Continue reading →
Yes, of course… Dandy was actually released by Electric Dreams, but did you know that in fact the original developer was not to be Nick Pelling, but the Ram Jam Corporation? This updated version of the classic Dandy game on … Continue reading →
Dr Who has in recent years had a resurgence in popularity with the new BBC episodes showing every year. Back in the 80’s, there was a demand to see Dr Who games – but not that many were actually ever … Continue reading →
Elysium was to be a game to match the class of Ultimate’s Knightlore and Alien 8 games on the C64, using some rather cool programming techniques to get everything running to speed. The developer had finished Imhotep, and started working … Continue reading →
I was a big fan of the Famous Five adventure based on the first book since Amstrad Action gave it away on their covertape and was dismayed when I found out it was just a one-off. So I thought I’d … Continue reading →