“A thrilling new adventure” proclaims the advert for QA! This text adventure was made available to the public at a very cheap price of £2.99, where you must go on a daring expedition to find the Mask of QA, the … Continue reading →
Yet another game in development for the C64 by Martech, and late into its C64 life. This was a rather special Spectrum game which sadly didn’t recieve the recognition it deserved (although it was flagged up in Retro Gamer magazine … Continue reading →
Possibly one not to get too excited about, but this entry has come about due to a letter which was sent in from Claire Edgeley from Domark about the original game. The original game missed out rucks and mauls, but … Continue reading →
A very quick entry which was brought to our attention via a tune in Gilles Soulet’s HVSC folder. Sapiens was a game being developed by Loriciels back in 1986 time, and it seemed a C64 version was on the cards … Continue reading →
“Take the part of Al Wrong in his quest for his first sexual experience” That’s the opening description for a game that was found hidden away on Ashley Routledge’s CNet download disks. Uploaded to CNet by P.Hardcastle of P.H.Atholsoft and … Continue reading →
Thanks to contributor Chris Hester, who flagged up an old piece that he wrote possibly for his magazine Adventure Coder. Teacher Trouble was a text adventure game due for release in 1986 by Anthony Collins, author of Nythyhel and various … Continue reading →
Back in Your Commodore magazine and in 1991, their news section stated that Mirrorsoft were producing new Turtles games – two to be precise. Apparently TMNT 2 was to be more of the same, though actually it turned out to … Continue reading →
According to Commodore Format Issue 35, Test Master 2 was a game by E&J Software that was currently on sale and selling well at number 7 in the charts. However, what happened to it? CF never reviewed it and it … Continue reading →
The Bandage was a Quill based adventure game which was written by Ruben Spaans in his early days. Ruben sheds more light on the game here (talking about the collection of adventure games he created): "Just saw "The Bandage" in … Continue reading →
Yet another game advertised by Goldstar in Your Computer magazine 1984. This was another text adventure which sadly never was! It is currently missing sadly. It could be a case that the game just hasn’t turned up yet, or it … Continue reading →
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