54 results for: Graphics = N/A
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The Slippery

199? Megastyle

The Slippery thumbnail

The Slippery was a Quill based adventure game which was written by Ruben Spaans in his early days. Ruben sheds more light on the game here (talking about the collection of adventure games he created): "They are simple text adventure … Continue reading

Trantor 2

1988 GO!

Trantor was a fairly well received game, but mainly for its awesome music and graphics. The game itself sucked a little bit, but overall it still has its fans. Recently C64 endings discovered that at the end of the first … Continue reading

Unknown war game

1986 Orpheus

A very early entry for a game we don’t even know the title for yet. This was a title mentioned by Geoff Phillips as being in development at Orpheus around 1986 time. It was farmed out to a set of … Continue reading