Back on our screens in 1988, we were graced by one of the greatest SEU’s of all time. Armalyte was released with an almighty impact, shaping the way all sideways SEU’s should be on the C64. With the first game’s … Continue reading →
Cyberdyne Systems burst onto the scene with their amazing debut game “Armalyte”. This horizontally scrolling shoot’em up was one of the finest on the Commodore 64, combining fantastic graphics with some very tough gameplay. As Games That Weren’t already shows, … Continue reading →
Vague time now, as we take a very quick look at another title from the guys at Cyberdyne Systems in the days of producing the likes of Armalyte and Deadlock. All we know is that there was a Car game … Continue reading →
Now this is a GTW that has gone down in history as one of the most eagerly wanted games to appear on the C64 in some form. For many years we have been taunted with the fantastic screenshots from Zzap … Continue reading →
Fuzzball is another classic GTW case. A great platform game, in which a two level preview (Featuring level one and level 16) was released to the readers of Commodore Format on issue 24. Unfortunately it was to be the Amiga … Continue reading →
A relatively unknown game which was being developed by Cyberdyne Systems in their early days as a simple game to make money while they produced larger titles. Half Life shares it’s name with the award winning 3rd person shooter of … Continue reading →
Magnox was yet another Cyberdyne game, but one of the more forgotten titles which never saw the light of day. Dan Phillips cannot recall too much about the game, but it is believed to be a vertical shoot-em-up that was … Continue reading →
A strange game which was popular on the Amiga, mainly for its wacky animation. This game featured a blue blob of putty which could mould itself into numerous shapes and absorb strange creatures to help defeat a geezer called Dazzledaze. … Continue reading →
An interesting game demo finding on Ashley Routledge’s disks recently came in the shape of Quantarallax, which is an early Delta sort of clone that never seemed to get released. The game was developed by Quantum Designs, who consisted of … Continue reading →
Our next entry is a short and sweet entry for a racing game that sadly didn’t get too far, although as you will see in a bit – looked very promising (and fast!) Racing game (working title) was a title … Continue reading →
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