Yet another TV sports game was planned by the excellent Cinemaware, and late into the C64’s life. Sadly this was never to be it seems. Cinemaware’s website describes the game as follows: “Lace up you hightops and get psyched for … Continue reading →
A short GTW64 entry for a sequel to Lupo Alberto, which was considered whilst the first game was still in development. The game was to be called “Two hearts and a chicken pot”, and presentation screens and graphic elements were … Continue reading →
A rather ambitious title which sadly never made it as more current life commitments came about. This was to be a cross between Narc, Splatterhouse and Final Fight, featuring some nice graphics similar to those in Rubicon, and over 200 … Continue reading →
Whilst having a quick sift through Nick Taylor’s Liverpool FC disks, I found some graphics which seem to be for a Cult Software football game – going by the billboard graphics. Cult were mostly known for their Football management game, … Continue reading →
A very quick entry which was picked up upon by browsing through Thomas Mogensen’s work directory in HVSC. Within the directory was a tune labelled “My big brothers game”, which must have been a game being developed by Ole Mogensen. … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that we need to find out more about from Mike (Kernal) Berry. This was likely to be a sideways scrolling shooter that Mike Berry was producing for a budget label or similar back around … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that was recovered by Genesis Project in early 2019 from the work disks of scener Scrap. He stated to GP that this was a preview of a game that would never be finished. It’s … Continue reading →
A Hungarian title which has been found by Csaba Virag, and which is a simple strategy game written by Christian Szegedy (cSSc). Christian also coded the game Ural that was released in 1990 but didn’t do much else apart from … Continue reading →
Released on the Amiga back in 1989, Wayne Gretzky Hockey was a great little game of hockey. In an 1989 issue of games magazine "Games Player’s" and in its Amiga review, it mentioned that a C64/128 version was being planned … Continue reading →
Yet another film licence which was in development by Ocean Software back in 1990 also known as "Firebird". This was only really reported in the pages of Commodore Format, Issue 4, and nothing else was really heard of the game … Continue reading →
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