Crazy Bikes
1990 Titus
Yet another Titus title which was mentioned in a schedule list from 1990 for the C64 on Tape and Disk (And later cart!). We know very little about the game though sadly – as there is no sign of any … Continue reading
Cancelled & Unreleased Video Games for the Commodore 64 Since 1999
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135 results for: Year = 1990
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Yet another Titus title which was mentioned in a schedule list from 1990 for the C64 on Tape and Disk (And later cart!). We know very little about the game though sadly – as there is no sign of any … Continue reading
Esprit Software seem to have a extensive track record of trying to produce games which pushed all the barriers to the limits. First with Search For Sharla, then with Flonk… now with this particular little game. And with one common … Continue reading
Cycleburner was the title of a game which was being coded by the sample maestro himself, Cycleburner (Even Scharning) for the Megastyle group. It was highlighted to us thanks to Roy Widding recently in 2014 as a title that not … Continue reading
Darius + was advertised in various magazines, and was advertised by The Edge for all machines, including the Commodore 64. The game is a conversion of a popular arcade by Taito, and eventually did surface on the Amiga, Spectrum ( … Continue reading
Now this is a GTW that has gone down in history as one of the most eagerly wanted games to appear on the C64 in some form. For many years we have been taunted with the fantastic screenshots from Zzap … Continue reading
Also known as: Steel Eagle 2
Our next title is another title developed by Duncan Kershaw back around 1990 with his Reflective Designs company. As with Harrier Strike, the game seems to be based on the same engine as Steel Eagle. Duncan says that the game … Continue reading
A game in similiar mould to Scumball/IBall 2, with a similiar look and feel. This was developed in 1990, but was soon cancelled due to the developers feeling that this game could never do well, due to the dying C64 … Continue reading
Created by Hans Ippisch who was interviewed in an old magazine. A question posed to him was about any unfinished projects which were gathering dust. His reply was that he had started on a game called “Dragon Slayer”, which only … Continue reading
Also known as: The Curse of the Firedemon
Dragonstone may likely be a title you’ve never heard of or played – mainly due to how it was mail-order only text adventure title (likely written in Graphic Adventure Creator, not Quill as I originally suggested). Thanks to Marco (Exile) … Continue reading
Yet another game which was mentioned as in development by Digital Magic, which was a driving game of sorts mentioned in one of the big magazines at the time (Any ideas which one?). Advert here. Nothing seems to have surfaced … Continue reading
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