Stargate Legacy was described as a spectacular graphic adventure from Databyte, which was rumoured to be scripted by the same people who brought “Borrowed Time” to C64 screens and was three years in the making according to the C&G news item. However, Brian Fargo confirmed he had nothing to do with the game and Rebecca Heineman also confirmed that the credits we had for Borrowed Time were incorrect anyway.
Initially the game was to come out on the C64 and Atari, and would come on four sides of tape or a disk.
This is pretty much all we know about the game, as details are very scarce. In the CVG clipping where we got pretty much all of the above details, there were some attached screenshots which we think is Stargate Legacy, but might be something else. First Star is listed on the screens. Could this be the game?
A lot more research needed for this one, maybe you can help us? At the very least we seem to have the developer names, so we hope something can be dug up on the game soon.
Contributions: Peter Weighill, Ross Sillifant, Brian Fargo, Rebecca Heineman
As the author of Borrowed Time, I can assure you that Michael Cranford (As credited above), had nothing to do with Borrowed Time. The team that did Borrowed Time was Rebecca Heineman: Programmer, Arnie Katz and Joyce Worley (Subway Software): Writers, David Lowery: Art, Allan Adham: ADVENT Scripting
Thanks Rebecca – was that for the C64 version as well? I will forward on the details to Gamebase64 to correct their credits.
Did you have any involvement on the Stargate Legacy game?
:-) Your Welcome.I earnt my nickname (The Vulture) years ago…
Glad to have been of help.
That’s from the Jan’87 issue of C+VG is it not? 2 screenshots and that little section of text.
Screens are from that game i’d say as boxout above text is Murder On The Atlantic and below it Inspector Gadget.
Good spot Ross, not sure where the screenshots had disappeared to – but added them back in as well as credits!