Our next game in the archives is an early title from Video Images, who did Exceleron for Commodore User magazine back in the day.
It was a title that would make use of the SEUCK engine, which some companies back then decided was a good idea to make a quick game to release. The game was created by David Bradley and Dean Hickingbottom in 1988 and was to be released as a budget title.
Although the game was developed fairly rapidly, things hit a snag when the team found that the player would get stuck all the time on the map. It wasn’t the usual bug of appearing on a piece of play area that you were not able to move, but down to the map design leading to dead ends. They decided to put one life in the game to get around it, but it didn’t really work.
Sadly the game was abandoned due to the above issues, and was laid to rest on an old disk. That is – until 2015 anyway, when Dean Hickingbottom made some copies of some disks which included the full final version of this game. On another disk was the loading screen that was never used, which we have included here in Koala format.
In December 2015, Richard Bayliss very kindly took up the project of linking the loading screen in and tidying up the game destroying bugs on the map. Once these were fixed, the lives were increased back to their usual amount. A new title tune and colour bars have been added too. There is also a tape edition, which gives a close indication of how it may have been had it been released by someone like Power House or similar at the time.
So thanks to the great efforts of Richard, here is the game how it should have been!
Case closed!
Contributions: Dean Hickingbottom, Richard Bayliss
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Tape_Urbanwarrior (zip)
- Game_Urbanwarrior-final (zip)
- Game_Urbanwarrior (zip)
Update history
20/12/15 – Richard Bayliss fixes the game’s original issues that prevented release, tidies things up, adds some title music, a Tape version and links the loading screen! Making what would likely have been the released game in its final final state! :)