GTW64 May 2023 updates

OK, so not as big an update as last month, but still a sizable one none-the-less, and with two very important additions. A total of 14 completely new entries too to further increase the size of the C64 archive, along with 11 updates overall and two very special findings! Many of the new entries are for titles which may well be out there, just not yet preserved. Can you help us find them?

Total Recall V1 and Wreckers recovered!

recall large

The big news of the month was the recovery of both the long lost first version of Total Recall from Active Minds (missing for 33 years), and a surprise start of a conversion of Wreckers by Denton Designs. Download both for yourself!

Total Recall V1 and Wreckers

This is then accompanied by the following updates on the site:

14 new entries added

Blood Bath at Orc’s DriftIntellectual Software titlesIsland Software titlesJMH Software titlesMicro-Ed, Inc titlesMicrograms, Inc titlesMicrophys Programs Inc titlesMoses Engineering titlesQuality Input, Inc titlesResource Software International titlesRight on Programs titlesTeacher’s Pet Software titlesThe Enemy WithinThe War of the Worlds

11 updates added

Arsenal FCBattlecarsBoston Educational Computing, Inc titlesCyberdyne Warrior IntroJudge DeathKrell SoftwarePharaoh’s PyramidR.I.S.K! V1Rastan V1RunestoneThe War of the Worlds

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