6 Kingdoms Of Babylon

Crystal Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 3/5

Crystal Software and Electronics were an ambitious software house trying to save the C64 gaming market back in 1997 with a large range of planned releases. Sadly it wasn’t to be, and as with other companies – it was found not to be a financially viable proposition to try and make money out of the C64.

Out of the newly planned titles was "6 Kingdoms of Babylon", which was described in adverts as:

"Another big strategy game we will try to develop. No particulars have shown up at our marketing department but we will definately see a sequel to the The Legend of Kyril with this production"

"Secure economic growth and conquer kingdoms to get your place in the history books for the Babylonians in this good looking strategy game."

So it sounds like this was to be a sequel to Legend of Kyril, and as that game didn’t get particularly far – we can assume that maybe this one may not have even got past the planning stage.

Still, its early days and we hope to find out more soon about this one!

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