Big Nose The Caveman


Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Yet another Codemasters title within the GTW archives, and further proving the rumours that Codemasters were sitting on over 20 titles that never saw release.

This entry has been highlighted thanks to contributor Gennadiy, who spotted within the Amiga manual that a C64 edition was listed with Disk loading instructions. Under developer notes, it suggests that it was the same team as the Amiga edition – so we hope to find out more very soon.

As Codemasters were still releasing games into early 1993, we are wondering if it was problems with the development that stopped it from being released rather than them just leaving the market. We hope to find out more very soon!

Contributions: Gennadiy

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Update history

08/04/21 – Confirmed that Optimus was not behind the C64 edition.

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