

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Not a lot of information currently on this game apart from a few details.

Wrath of the Demon was a nice title, it’s sequel Deathbringer was in production stage by Canadian based Readysoft Inc and was to be marketed by Empire.

The game was to be constructed again by Steve Douglas (code), David Whittaker (music) and Jorge Freitas (graphics).

The sequel was to be as respectable to the first game as possible. The game had a few mentions in various magazines such as Commodore Format, again on its early warning scanner, but the game disappeared along with the commercial scene.

It was to be converted from the Amiga version (Abstrax), and was being developed in-house. However, how far did it get?… Was it ever started?…

Contact with the people involved will hopefully shed some light on the exciting sequel.

Relatively unknown, but intriguing sequel…

Contributions: Jazzcat

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