A strange little preview by Thomas Miegel, involving somekind of space craft doing duties over various landscapes.
HAWK is based on INTENSITY by Andrew Braybrook – the aim is to rescue people. You control one vehicle, press fire to land somewhere and then the other vehicle moves to that point – but don’t collide with it!
The preview comes with a few levels, including a screenshot of a later level which is unplayable.
There is a fair amount actually in the preview, to indicate that not too much work was needed to finish the game off. The levels are however not all linked together, and you will have to keep reloading to see each level.
Graphically quite good, with graphics typical of a late 80’s C64 game, and some good sonics. A little rough around the edges, but otherwise a promising looking preview.
The exact release details are currently non-existant, though credit names will hopefully lead to some more information being dug up on this game. Possibly to find a later version, or even a completed version. Can you help?
Nice things going on here…
Contributions: Andrew Fisher