A wonderful little preview, involving a well-drawn character called ‘Henry’.
It is a little frustrating to play this ‘Fred’s back’ style game, with some hard jumps and obstacles to avoid, but it looks quite polished with some neat graphics and sound. The preview I think only features 1 level, and quite a big one at that, though I can’t progress too far without dying.
Just why this was never completed is anyone’s guess. It doesn’t really lack too much apart from a bit of originality, and is better than the hordes of puzzlers which swamped the C64 scene at the time of this game being worked on.
It’s likely that this game was planned as a game to be sold by a mail-order C64 company, typical of many games after shops stopped stocking C64 games. Quite possibly early failures of other C64 games selling this way, convinced the programmers to hault all work on this game.
Recently contributor ‘Compounded’ found that the preview we have is incomplete. The text before the game starts indicates that there are two levels in the preview (1.2 and 1.4) , but after entering the door at the end of the first level, the screen goes blank while the drive attempts to read from the disk to get level 1.4. However, upon searching for a complete working version (Which sadly he could not find) he did find another version with a different level (1.1) which can now be found within the download link above. Thanks Compounded!
It is not known exactly what WAS planned for this game, though we now have some credits to look up. The team was the same as that behind Fly Harder, so was the game planned for release by Starlight?
A nice game, unfortunatly shown the door for some reason…
Contributions: Compounded