
Imagine Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Also known as: Mega Game 3 or 4

Hero is one of the lesser known Mega Game titles which Imagine Software were to release back in 1984. The series was to include around 6 games – with Hero to be the 3rd/4th title being done on both the C64 and ZX Spectrum. Both Bandersnatch and Psyclapse were the two more well known titles.

Originally we only had the one entry for the entire Mega Games set, but to be honest – each game is worthy of its own entry. So we have the main Mega Games entry to cover all, and ones for each title that we know of which were due for the C64. The Mega Games entry in particular will talk more about the failed hardware add-on attempt to combat piracy. Here we will focus purely on the games themselves.

At present, we unfortunately know very little about Hero and what the game was about. It is early days, but we hope to learn more from the game’s supposed developer on the Spectrum: John Heap. Dave Colclough was rumoured to be C64 developer, but unfortunately we believe that he passed away some years ago.

Once we know more about the game – then we’ll be sure to update this entry!

Contributions: Marc Dawson

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