Paradroid V1


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A short entry for what is a significant earlier version of Paradroid, which was revealed by Andrew Braybook via Twitter.

The screenshot below is from Andrew’s negative archive, showing an early version with the player’s gun-sight that moves along in front of the player, or independently.

It allowed for instant hits, but it was not easy to get it to hit moving targets during testing. Andrew had two different gun-sight variants before it was swapped out for a more standard firing system.

The question was whether anything of these earlier builds may still exist today, and Andrew wasn’t so confident. They didn’t tend to keep old builds, as there were bug fixes and tuning alterations all the time. There is the possibility that a demo does exist on a disk somewhere, but it could well be gone for good.

Contributions: Andrew Braybrook

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Update history

  • 29/04/24 – Added additional screenshot that Andrew dug out, showing another variant of the targetting system.
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