Apparently not to be confused with the release by Golden Games back in the same year, or is it? … We’re not too sure, but it seems a co-incidence that there would be two Hollywood Poker games released around the … Continue reading →

What we have here with our next GTW entry is Miles Barry’s first C64 game which was started while Jason Kelk and Nigel Smith were crashing over his place for a week. The majority of superb graphics were done by … Continue reading →
In Commodore User April 1988, a news item was printed which tells us that Robtek (Who did various bits of hardware in the day) had an arrangement with an American organisation called Key-punch, where they would get 3 film licences … Continue reading →
Xtron was due to be released by Diamond Software, along with various other releases, Diablo, Hollywood Poker and Kaos. However, it seems only Diablo received a release, judging by entries on Lemon64 and the preservation site, GB64. That means that … Continue reading →