One you may not of heard of until now, but Bits for Bizmo was listed on Pete Baron’s CV page and was described as: "2D Scrolling platformer based on an AD2000 character in a Judge Dredd story". In an interview … Continue reading →
From what began as a simple Vic 20 game called Cosmonaut (A scrolling shooter), a sequel was born from the Ramshaw brothers who did a lot of work in the early days for the likes of Melbourne House. Cosmonaut on … Continue reading →
You may or may not be surprised to learn that Double Dragon on the C64 could have been very different – or at least a lot better than it was! We don’t know that for sure though – but we … Continue reading →
Dreadnought was a multi-scrolling shooter being developed by Icon Design back in late 1988. The game was coded by none other than John Buckley of Solar Jetman fame. The aim of the game was to control a fleet of ships … Continue reading →
Another game for the archives, this time a title mentioned by Mat Allen, and a game by Melbourne House. This game was briefly mentioned in some magazines and a few adverts were printed. The game actually surfaced on the Spectrum … Continue reading →
Mentioned in "Illegal" pirate fanzine as something seen at PC 1988 show (or so it seems) by SSD of Cosmos. We don’t know much about this game at present, and there doesn’t seem to be any acknowledgement of the game … Continue reading →
The third and final part of the Horace trilogy was sadly never to be on the C64. Indeed the game was planned, but it kind of fell by the wayside, and as far as we know… nothing was ever actually … Continue reading →
I should have added this to the GTW64 archive ages ago, but for some reason did a separate site post. What we have here is a rather different looking Knuckle Buster game on the C64 by Mat Sneap. Luckily in … Continue reading →
Our next entry has very little in the way of clues, apart from this loading screen created by Lizard for Tim Rogers and Darrin Stubbington. We believe the screen was released on Compunet at some point, and was found lurking … Continue reading →
A strange entry now into the GTW64 archives, which is thanks to JazzGhostrider for highlighting on the Lemon64 forums, and then getting in touch with GTW64 to see if we knew anything. Roadwars was a conversion of a game that … Continue reading →
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