A bizarre entry which was mentioned in the “Next Month” back pages of Commodore Format, Issue 3. They promised a review of this game for issue 4, but it never appeared. This was the only mention ever made of the … Continue reading →
A very famous game worldwide, featuring up to 4 players who go around and simply bomb each other. Even almost banned by some countries, including Ireland who condemned the idea after saying that kids could be encouraged to blow each … Continue reading →
A quick entry until we get more info, but Atari Frog brought this game to our attention. Ubi Soft were advertising the game via a poster which was picked up at a show by Atari Frog and recently discovered. It … Continue reading →
Thanks to screenshots from various magazines for an Amiga version of Night Hunter, it can be confirmed that this is in fact Night Hunter by Ubisoft. In the game, you control a nice Hi-res overlaid Dracula who must roam around … Continue reading →
A sequel to a fairly popular tennis game on the C64 was due according to the Amiga review in one of the popular magazines of the time. The review stated that "A C64 version may follow in several month’s time" … Continue reading →
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