Shoot Out!

Aztec Software

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A short entry for a title that was briefly advertised in Commodore Format, and in particular issue 22 back in June/July 1992.

There were no details apart from listing the game as available for £4.00 on tape, and £8.50 on disk – with an Amiga version to be announced.

Two other games were also advertised such as Slap Fighter and Shoot Out! for a similar price. You had to send off a cheque to Middlesex, payable to PJR Laws.

When you look at the titles – could Slap Fighter = Slap and Tickle, Circuit Man = Transputer Man and Shoot Out! = Outlaw? Surely these were not repackaged versions of the games from SEUCK?

Thanks to the brilliant detective efforts of Phil Davies, we got hold of the developer Peter Laws – and he confirmed that his games were SEUCK based efforts. At the time Peter was only 17, so the memories have completely faded – but we do believe that this was indeed a rework of Outlaw. Sadly Peter has nothing of his work from those days.

Would still be interesting to see how different it was, so if you purchased the game – please get in touch!

Case closed!

Contributions: Peter Laws, Phil Davies

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