Ok, so we’re cheating a little – but it is very possible that all of these games were released. So now we just need to make sure they get preserved.
Sophisticated Games advertised in various magazines during the early 80’s for their range of games, which were pretty much BASIC produced titles that were sold via mail-order. A typical back bedroom operation it seems.
Here is the list so far which were advertised and their statuses:
- Whodunnit? …. Currently lost
- Top of the pops …. In GB64
- Election Night Special …. Within C64tapes.org, but not yet preserved.
- Party 4 (Containing Masterword, A Day At The Races, Game X (Strip Poker) and Consequences) …. currently lost
- Adults Only …. In GB64
Now there are titles of them names but with different companies, so it is possible that Sophisticated games “borrowed” titles. But so far it seems based on the ones we know are out there, that they were all developed by a R.Hill (Richard Hill?).
Do you know any more about the lost ones, and can you help us digitally preserve them?
Both Cricket and League Soccer were preserved by Dave Bulwer and kindly provided to GTW to put in the archive. So download below and enjoy! We hope to find the others soon!
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Front Page (pdf)
- manual (pdf)
- Game_Soccer (zip)
- flyer (pdf)
- manual (pdf)
- Game_Cricket (zip)
- frontpage (pdf)
- flyer (pdf)
- flyer (pdf)
c64 and vic20 versions
Great to see the VIC-20 version there too :)
I am looking for a working copy of League Soccer by Sophisticated Games. Do any survive and are they available?
There are probably copies out there, but they seem very obscure – it will be hard to find I feel. I’m sure some collectors out there might have one.
I have an original copy of this game and have been playing it until recently when the cassette snagged. It may be saveable but would like to find a back up copy either in cassette or disk
Loved this game. Brings back great memories.
Excellent to find this site ! I owned both Cricket and Soccer for the C64 so they were definitely released. I remember spending huge amounts of time on both games – really good for their time. Also recall the covers for each were really terrible drawings that looked like the work of five year-olds !
Election Night Special?! That sounds amazing! :)