UXB is a great little finding that has been uncovered for the first time thanks to Wreg and released into GTW64.
The game is complete and was produced by Jason Fox who went on to produce a few titles for Zeppelin games. The graphics and sound are by none other than Adam Gilmore, who also went to Zeppelin to produce a number of tunes as their main musician. The music is a very early example of Adam’s work which is previously unheard. Rob Hubbard is bizarrely credited for the scroll code.
With the game itself, what we have is a rather neat little Blagger/Manic Miner clone with some mini sub games which include a space rocket level and a moon buggy scene. Its good fun to play, and one which would have done fairly well had it been released.
So what happened to it? … Well, the game was the first work of both Jason and Adam and they sent it around all the publishers at the time, but sadly no-one wanted the game. As a result it remained unreleased and it has only been recently that its managed to sneak its way out. It is the first time the game has been heard of.
Jason informed us in 2021 that the game was done with Adam in their last year at school. They never expected the game to go anywhere. Jason knew Rob Hubbard fairly well, as he lived near by and he said he would take it along to Mastertronic. Unfortunately they were not keen on the game.
Overall there is nothing else new to find with the game, everything is here, so enjoy!… Additionally there is a cracked version which include some bug fixes and cheats by 6R6.
Contributions: Wreg, 6R6, Adam Gilmore, Jason Fox
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Game_UXB.zip (zip)
Update history
26/04/21 – Jason Fox gives a bit of detail about the game.