

Status: Preview, Findability: 3/5

A very early preview of a game consisting of a controllable fish which can swim around the one screen present here. Swimming off the screen makes you reappear on the opposite end.

Apart from a little animated interaction with another sea creature, there is little else to this preview apart from its good graphics and animation of the main character.

No other details were located with this game, apart from the fact that a company called Yellow Byte were the producers. The game otherwise appears to be based on collecting certain objects as specified by the sea creature in flick screen style.

However, Nicolas Stark got in touch with GTW64 recently after resurrecting a project for RGCD’s latest competition and had the following to say:

"Bilbo – very early version of Al the Fish, as this version suggests it was originally meant to be a screen-flipping game, but I dropped it in favor to a scroll-based game instead"

So there we have it!…. there is nothing more to find, and this was actually what eventually turned into Al the Fish. So follow to that page to see the progress :-)

Case closed!

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