Cyber Cop

Pedersen Systems

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

“The Rebellion’s Over! Your Mission: Terminate the Rebels of Hollerith. Your Role: You are the latest in Cyborg Technology. You are… a Cyber Cop & The Rebels are Ready for You.”

That is the starting description of Cyber Cop, a rather obscure title from Pedersen Systems (who are funnily the company established by Roger Pedersen, who did other titles). We don’t know much about how the game was to play, but the advert continues to describe the game as follows:

  • Fast Action Arcade Adventure
  • Full Spectrum Colour Animation
  • 3-D Spritable Characters
  • Life-like Battle Environments
  • Plays in 3 domains: Atmospheric, Geosphere and Aquatic
  • Realistic Sound Effects
  • Quick Manual Response
  • Choice of Play Longevity VS Higher Point Scores

This is pretty much it… we have a scan for the advert, but nothing about the game itself really as of yet. We hope to find out more from Roger at some point in the future.

Do you know any more?

Contributions: Peter Weighill, LiqMatrix,

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Update history

18/02/22 – Added advert thanks to LiqMat and

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