Yet another early version of a released game which has never seen the light of day. 4 Soccer Simulators was previously in production by none other than Simon Nicol, working with Said Hassan of Rigels Revenge fame. According to Said … Continue reading →
Right, just to start but the System 3 link isn’t quite true, and we think this was based on the developers who were enthusiastically trying to produce games on the C64 and may have used the name in the hope … Continue reading →
A neat old school pacman clone, with disks replacing the ghosts and two Terminal City style men replacing pacman. The game is two player, and features some great music from Hunters Moon by Matt Gray. The graphics are nothing to … Continue reading →
A pretty big turn up for the books when Ramos gave GTW the heads up about this game. Mark Gallagher is already known to GTW thanks to his other game Shylock which was uncovered, but on a set of pages … Continue reading →
Fears of darkness was the result of a budding programmer at the age of 18 wishing to produce a "Turrican-esq" game. 64er magazine had released Manfred Trenz’s Katakis Development System which was to be the inspiration for Falk to get … Continue reading →
Gem Quest was a game from Hex (aka Cory) of Pixel Developments – A demo group from UK’s very own Compunet. Some of their demos got featured in ZZap!64 magazine (e.g. Hunter Killer). Unfortunately, due to further studies, the game … Continue reading →
Quite an errie little preview this one, feeling in someways similar to Mastertronic’s ‘Scumball’. A nice mixture of hi-res graphics and multi-colour, brighten up this early preview, where you control a space craft which must navigate its way through the … Continue reading →
A very interesting entry in the GTW archives comes in the form of Hyperion 2. The game has been sitting on FTP’s for a while now, but has a story behind it and also helped uncover something rather useful for … Continue reading →
Once a surprise finding on the personal disks of Cory Kin. Make My Day is a diagonal scrolling western game which was being produced by Compunet user “Gem“, who was in touch with Cory at the time and sent through … Continue reading →
Omega Ceti is a title that has been around for some time, possibly first surfacing on Compunet as a preview. The game is an interesting Uridium clone of sorts – which has a split screen display for two players to … Continue reading →
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