Also known as: 19 Part 2 - Vietnam / 19 Part 2 - Combat Zone
Cascade were a little company, most famous for their “Ace” series on the C64 and other platforms, and infamous for their “Cassette 50” compilation for almost every machine that existed. In 1988, they gained the rights to a popular Paul … Continue reading →
This may possibly be what turned into Ace 2088, the space version of Ace. Jihad was the working title for the game which John Cassells pixelled some work for. John had the following to say… "I *might* have some graphics … Continue reading →
This GTW title is an unfortunate title which never got released for all the wrong reasons. Simon Birrell was just finishing university at the time, and he completed a multiscreen Arkanoid clone called "Slideways". He sold it to Cascade, who … Continue reading →
A game which was to be a mixture between "Elite", "Ultima", "Pirates" and "Space Rogue". When Mr Lee lost a bit his inspiration he also started coding on a game, what he described as a ‘little game’. This was "Colonial … Continue reading →
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